<aside> ⚠️ TL;DR Recruiting badly harms the environment for co-designers and misses opportunities to increase the diversity of people and perspectives. If we aren’t diverse in our teams, we aren’t diverse in our thoughts or ideas.
Take recruitment seriously, as co-design can succeed or fail based on who you recruit (or fail to recruit) to your co-design team.
****If you have a resource to contribute, please get in touch.
Part of delivering on our duty of care to co-designers is carefully selecting professionals to work alongside people with lived experience. This is a cultural shift, as we’ve often thought about who professionals want in the room, not who people with lived experience are comfortable with, who they want to learn with and from.
Here are some patterns to avoid when recruiting co-designers:
People aren’t hard to reach; often, the problem is that our recruitment approaches are unimaginative and unwelcoming.
If we fail to recruit diverse co-designers, people who are not part of a dominant culture or have an alternative perspective will often feel isolated and unwelcome during co-design. By contrast, when others in a group are also diverse in their identity and views, people often feel more able to speak up and safer to stay included over time.
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